In Your holy name, I pray. This recent exposure is consistent with and a confirmation of what the Holy Spirit had already revealed to the discernment team, which Martin and I reported in the Discerning the Times, Exposing the Growing Alliance of the Radical Left and Radical Islam March 2, 2017 Lord, I pray that every door I have opened that has allowed witchcraft to come into my life is closed. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Lust Lord God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, I am on my knees, asking You to protect me from the spirit of lust. The Church, speaking about the body of Christ, is not exempt from the influences of this spirit. Amen. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 (NET). Beautiful prayer Jeanette my husband and I join you in your prayer! P.O. In good times and bad, unite my family through Your Holy Spirit. I need Your help to protect me from the spirit of perverseness. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Adultery The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, I bow before You and worship You. And once the agents and police officers they had called to the scene finally drove away, neighbors who had kept the man and the boy fed, hydrated and cool, formed a human chain from the van to the house as the man and the boy shuffled inside. Together, Lord, we'll win, because in . Lawlessness is always accompanied by hate - a toxic hatred of all that is good and godly. Authority in Christ for Binding and Loosing Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, John 20:23. Let us also remember when a nation loses respect for human life it will reap violence and this is where were at, so Lord let Abortion become illegal and let us repent of our murders to the unborn. But soon theyll actively seek out a message of easy grace. so that the Church may beempowered to doall that Christ commands for the glory of God the Father. Take away from me the desire to party and get drunk. Lord have mercy. It is the very force behind the legislation that seeks to banish God from our society; the same spirit that Satan used to deceive Eve when he told her, in so many words, "God won't punish you for disobeying. The apostle is saying, Those who refuse to obey or respect Gods Word will fall under a powerful delusion. Father this lawlessness is not loving You and not loving one another. A Prayer To God In Time Of Great Sadness A Prayer To Know Your Grace In My Life A Prayer To Prepare My Mind A Prayer To Produce The Fruit Of The Spirit A Prayer To Remove Hindrances To Fruitfulness A Prayer To Share The Gospel A Prayer To 'Be Holy As God Is Holy' A Prayer When Feeing Lonely A Bond Of Unity In The Body Of Christ Father I repent of any sins of Unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, anger, envy, Jealousy, unbelief, fornication etc. who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. In Jesus name. This is the characteristic of the spirit of lawlessness -- deception -- and it must, and will be destroyed, by the coming of Jesus, the Son of Man who destroys the destroyer of earth. After all, it's obvious to all that they are boldly breaking laws. The Spirit of Understanding. One teenager told my daughter no one has ever loved me. Amen. In Christ Jesus name. Fill my heart with a heart of love that cries out Father forgive them for anyone who has ever hurt me. As we move into receiving the guidance for all this, we have been led again and again to pray, Lord, expose which high level demonic spirits are at work capitalizing on human sin and human ideological movements. The word keeps coming, This is the hidden power of lawlessness that is already at work in the world. This is based on 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12; study the whole section for the full import. Please continue to meditate on this prayer for . #pray #prayer #intercession #prayers #prayernation #reels #reelsinstagram #reelsvideo #fyp #fyp #foryou #explore #christian #inspirational I need Your divine intervention to cast the spirit of addiction down to the lowest part of hell. Sanctify this space from evil and cast your protecting light upon us. LORD, I ask that You give parents commonsense in how to raise their children and to discipline them. 3. As you can see fromvideo footage of the incident, the young people seemed to take great joy in the crimes that they were committing. Removing leaders around whom strongholds are forming through democratic or judicial processes, or by supernatural intervention. As you will see below, all over the nation, young people are brazenly flouting the law, obstructing and assaulting law enforcement officers and committing criminal acts in large groups. Let us move forward with some further intelligence that after Halloween, we may be moving into a period of heightened potential for evil. Sounds like the Spirit of Rebellion and Lawlessness is also moving against the church in the U.S. When there is a complete and utter lack of respect for law enforcement on a widespread basis, that is a recipe for chaos. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. being without law; uncontrolled by a law; unbridled; unruly; unrestrained: lawless passion, a state of disorder due to a disregard of the law, anarchy, a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government). And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Bless me with steadfast conviction in You. Position Paper - College of Prayer International - College of Prayer . I pray against the lawlessness forming in this country and call it unfit for use in the Name of Jesus Christ. Send the Holy Spirits fire of revival to the churches. Thank You for taking those nails in Your hands. Let us who believe in your word set a standard of obeying the laws of your word and of the land along with showing respect for those in authority! Purge from me any temptation to be unfaithful in my marriage. THE SPIRIT OF LAWLESSNESS IN AMERICA NEEDS PRAYER. Amen. COME OUT OF THESE PLACES- FOR GOD IS NOT THERE. Only You are worthy of Praise, Honor and Glory and Your mercy endures forever. The incident happened at the store on the 1800 block of South Street in the Graduate Hospital section of the city. When I was in Richmond, VA at St. Giles Presbyterian Church on Oct 13-15, I was led to gather a group of Anglo, Jewish and African Americans attending the prayer meeting to have some prayers together to confess our own and our ancestors sins of racial hatred, and pray to forgive one another. In agreement, I pray for parents to wake up to the Truth of the Bible and raise children to respect life, respect parents and teachers, give honor to God in their lives from an early age. March around the walls in my mind and destroy every stronghold of anxiety in my life. Amen. I owe You my life and everything in it. Please comfort those who mourn. Father, we stir up the churches in every community to begin to regularly pray against lawlessness in their town, and to seek you for the protection of their city. Show us that our differences are small and that our relationships are more important. We call down angels to protect the police and first responders. For Permission to Quote Information visit This last weekend leading up to Halloween, I had a deep awareness of some brooding evil being unleashed. This lawlessness is a direct result of the four walls church buildings going astray- which is why the Lord God will be judging them first before Joel 3, valley of Jehoshaphat on unbelievers take place. ], (Excerpted from Charisma News, article by Michael Snyder. Consequently the average pastor prays 2 min a week, because are not even called by God Almighty to part of leadership. I went and looked at it and agree! Your Word says that You have ransomed me and I am free. In Jesus holy name. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Anxiety Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, Your servant Joshua marched around the walls of Jericho, and the walls fell. And the truth is that in many instances, our prisons are completely and utterly out of control. I believe one of the roots of this problem is that the government has subsidized having children without marriage, which therefore has been penalized. Amen. Healing is a Part of the Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. American countries where gangs and evil has bedded down deep into countries that you would tenderly bless; cause all nations to come to you for peace, for forgiveness and order. 2. Here are the reports which must be discerned. Let not the spirit of rebellion come upon me as it came upon Saul. Let prayer and fasting arise in your churches throughout this nation. THE SPIRIT OF LAWLESSNESS IN AMERICA IS FROM BELOW - Intercessors for America News Prayer Action Watch Resources Community Espaol Login Sign Up Donate Get IFA Updates Thanks for Praying! Destroy my sense of self. Give them courage and strength to uphold the law of the land. Energize me to discipline myself and continuously push forward in action. Protect me with Your Holy Spirit and keep my thoughts on the truth of Your word. If you are not familiar with Ben Shapiro, you need to be. Place the fear of You, oh God, in my heart as Joseph had. Let the wisdom from Your Word protect me from the spirit of debauchery, which roams the earth like a lion waiting to devour Your people. Third, in the Name of Jesus, while seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly places bind the spirit of the lawlessness. Many groups are already praying about these threats and I urge all who read this Discerning The Times to gather around like-minded believers and intercessors to be co-laborers with Christ in this battle. This seems like a small thing. This week, when ICE officials showed up to arrest an illegal immigrant in Nashville, the mans neighborsformed a human chain around himin order to keep that from happening: When U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrived at a Nashville home Monday in an attempt to detain a man there, neighbors and activists gathered to support the man, who remained shuttered in a van with a child for hours before the agents left. Igniting the Church in the Power of the Holy Spirit We have chased after our own ways, ignoring Your ways and are now reaping the bad fruit of wrong political decisions. This demonic power is manifesting through a number of strongholds that are growing in power. Jesus, clear my head. Hear our crys Lord, we want order and peace restored in America today. Your agenda will go forward in spite of this wickedness. In Jesus name. Everywhere you look, there is lawlessness. Amen. Lord our Father, our mighty helper and light in the darkness. Again, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you who these demons are. It's easy to accuse rioters, for example, of operating from a spirit of lawlessness. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. We Produce our. Your email address will not be published. O Israel, I will testify against you. Let us thoroughly repent, turn from our wicked ways, then He will heal the land. Both Daniel and Revelation speak about the man of lawlessness targeting the "regular sacrifice." I believe this speaks of the future temple but also how Satan is trying to kill your regular fellowship with Jesus now. 2Thess. Crush all bitterness that is lingering in me, in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth. God, I run and hide behind You. Jesus, annihilate every spirit of gluttony in my life. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Corruption Righteous Savior, I adore You. But it seems especially intense this year, and I suspect is related to the mass cursing of President Trump that has been called for among occultists and Satanists in the United States, Canada, and The United Kingdom. Prayer against the Spirit of Fear /Overcome Fear/Scripture prayer against fear & anxiety/No more FearThis prayer is inspired by Holy Spirit for people who ar. Turn my attention from selfies and the urge to tell everyone who I am and what I am doing. Christine S. February 24, 2023, 11:19 am. through Prayer, Leadership Development, Growing The Church, and Mission Outreach, Jesus, You remind us that our time on earth is short and that laziness will lead us to our demise. I want to be dead as I currently know myself so that You can rebuild me in Your image. We are well grounded in the Word and we know the difference between the holy and the unholy. I take my authority, and I command all seducing spirits of deception, delusion, confusion, compromise, complacency, laziness, manipulation, and fear to leave my spirit, soul, mind, body, health, finances, family, relationships, business, and projects according to the will and word of God. With elections coming this next year, we pray for the atmosphere to change from warring, to wonder at what You will do to bring unity in the most difficult places..mans rebellious heart. I have subscribed to his show the and find them extremely insightful. Power of discipline, overtake me now in the name of Jesus. (All those who think conservative commentators such as Bill OReilly or Ben Shapiro hold Trump absolutely above criticism obviously have not been listening to them.). O Lord, cleanse my spirit soul and body by the blood of Jesus. I have been led to do the same thing at other events. Amen. Come, Holy Spirit, fill my heart with Your holy gifts. Blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven,And whose sins have been covered. As God was sending plagues down upon Egypt, he was preparing to deliver the righteous seed of Abraham from slavery. As always, the news reports go from Not true, just peaceful protests planned to Government overthrow planned for November 4th. I also pray that The Church will pray 2 Chronicles 7:14 until You come with Your Spirit and Power bringing a mighty change within. Login Sign Up No one has submitted a prayer yet. The enemy uses lawlessness to prevent or Amen. Prayer of Protection and Safety from Evil Spirits. 3. The events occurring at Asbury University have created quite a discussion online concerning the nature of revival. Give me your wisdom and discernment so I won't be caught off guard. Those who persist in lawlessness will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:20-21). This took place 11-16-2016 but gives you a flavor of the tactics being used all over the country. Click below to log in. Often, I have found this guidance to come as I have kept up with the news. I believe that for most of us this call to engage the demon of lawlessness will not be direct but as it is manifesting through the human beings. Amen. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Greed My Righteous Savior, You say the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil. In Jesus name. THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT. We agree, dear God, in our lack of diligence in prayer and faithfulness to Your commands. Pray for a spirit of prayer and repentance to be poured out on the church, so that the country will turn back to the Living God (Jonah 3:8). We need You Father. Amen. Change the cultures of poverty in So. In Jesus name. Therefore, the mystery is one of lawlessness acting without law or restraint. Paul wrote these important words in Romans 13, words that we need to put front and center during these times of cultural upheaval. Also, look for those at the center of a creative minority, giving them the means of implementing their plans. Build a holy fortress in my mind to protect me from my anxiety. As always, we need to pray for the gift of discernment to see clearly what Satan is doing and what the Lord is doing. There are two main Hebrew words in the Old Testament that mean "to repent.". Help me to speak gentle words to people, especially in the middle of an argument. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Depression God of Victory, thank You for dying for my sins on the cross. 10 For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I feel the darkness all around me and cannot sense Your presence. God is flexing His arm in the nations right now and displaying that He still has purpose for our nation. The violent video sparked outrage when it was shared online. Click below to log in. Amen! The parents of today do not go by what Your Word says but by what some child psychologist says. Lift my spirit from the oppression weighing on me. Lawlessness - Contrary to or without regard for th e law, lawless violence. Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. I bow my head before You and ask that You cast the manipulating spirits in my life into the lake of fire where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Separating the demons from the leaders and thus diminishing the human leaders usefulness to Satan. But as part of Gods overall strategy to defeat this evil, we as intercessors must do this in every context. Make me quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Death God of Heavens Armies, I repent of all my sins. The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness. You know all that is happening LORD, and you have told us in your holy word to watch and pray, and to pray without ceasing, give us the strength to do so LORD as our hearts are melting over all that is happening in this world. In Jesus name. Draw me near to You and my spouse. Your Word says to discipline a child to prevent them from death, it also says to not spare the rod, because it will not kill them. No one has submitted a prayer yet. In Jesus name. Praise the Holy One who has the power to restrain lawlessness. Amen. If things are this crazy now, what will things look like when economic conditions get really bad and those young people get really desperate? We are Your Nation and Your people and are called by Your name. For example, it is being reported that one prison down in Mississippi allegedlyput the gangs in chargeat one point. Do we live in a bubble- no. Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. Healing the internal and/or external ground of entry of evil spirits working through the leader. In the midst of trauma, always let God show you areas in our lives that can be purified. We are desperate My Father, please hear our prayers as we pray them to You in the name of Jesus Your Son, Amen! Amen. You alone are everything I need. Keep me close to You always, forever confessing Jesus as the resurrected Son of God. (6) And so you know what holds him back, so that he will be revealed in his own time. There is no other like you and we put our faith in you completely. Crucify all forms of greed in my life to the cross. Give law enforcement wisdom and discernment, even prophetic knowledge, when faced with lawlessness from citizens. Amen. Lawlessness has entered the body of Christ in an unparalleled manner. You are truly a compassionate God though we do not deserve it, we implore You to let Your mercy triumph over the judgment we deserve. this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. Shield me from the temptations of the flesh that hit me from every direction in my daily life. You tell me to put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. You must be logged in to post a prayer. a flash mob stormed a Walgreens in Philadelphia on the Fourth of July: Philadelphia police have released surveillance video showingdozens of teens vandalizing and stealing from a South Street Walgreens on the Fourth of July. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Addiction Oh, Lamb of God, who took away the sins of the world, heal me from my distress. And lead us not . Forgive me of all my sins and forgive America of hers. In the name of Jesus, I confess that I don't have the spirit of laziness and procrastination. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Deception God of the Universe, thank You for listening to my prayers. Everything seems empty and blank. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Perverseness O Lord, Mighty in Power, there is none like You. Your law brings order. For that day will not arrive until the rebellion comes and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction. Lord Jesus, every knee shall bow down before You, and right now, I command the spirit of lust to bow down before You and leave my life. Purge the spirit of pride from me. Help me to focus my life on becoming closer to You and being an example of You to others. Thank You for putting my sins on Your innocent, holy Son. (4) He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and as a result he takes his seat in Gods temple, displaying himself as God. Here are the guidelines from the Tactical Manual for engaging the demons working in the people: The first step is to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal whom to focus prayers upon. I think lawlessness is perhaps the best word to describe what is happening, and many believe that what we have witnessed so far is just the beginning. Do not let me be deceived into believing that happiness will come from wealth. To read more please visit our website: Required fields are marked *. Bind the Spirit of Lawlessness Our authority, in Jesus Christ, for binding and loosing is found in Matthew 18:18, Mark 3:13, and John 20:23. It feels very much to me like we are entering into the hour of the power of darkness where if Satans plans are not stopped, there can be terrible consequences for the nation. You can post a prayer to share with others. In Jesus Name, Amen. For example. I know that joy comes from You. God does not answer pray we because we pray only he said seek my face and turn from our wicked ways then he will hear from heaven our nation is full of wickedness his word changes not murdering babies marriage is a mockery. Ask for angels to HELP in this structure of lawlessness that is operating in this part of the earth. Protect me from the devil, who will try to manipulate me into straying from Your will. Removing the leader from the core of Satans stronghold through conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. Prayer for Protection from the Spirit of Doubt Jesus, my Rock and my Redeemer, You died on the cross because I fell short of the glory of God. They are wicked and lack judgment. Low self-esteem: This also allows the spirit of fear. You are the God of revival, what You have done there, You can do anywhere. Of course there are exceptions when help is needed and should be given,but marriage needs to be encouraged, not discouraged. There are other movements as well that are rooted in the same Marxist ideology through which the high-level demon is at work that are not as overtly violent as Antifa, but are being used by Satan to achieve the same purposes. (5) Surely you recall that I used to tell you these things while I was still with you. We are reaping the harvest of lukewarmness, prayerlessness, ignorance of the Bible, lack of diligence, disobedience, worldliness, and slumber. Help me seek Your kingdom and righteousness. Precious Holy Spirit, I have had enough drunkenness and wild parties in my life. Amen. I reported on this in the following Discerning The Times Reign inside of my heart and protect me from every spirit of delusion. 5. Ben Bergquam with Real America's Voice News announced the chilling discovery through a mobile phone video that I want to, but do not know how to get these racing thoughts out of my head. Let my charity be such as to offend no one, and hurt no one's feelings; so . The Spirit of Might. You can eat the fruit and you won't have to pay for it!" Oh, Jesus, drive every spirit of immorality, dishonesty, and deception from the devil out of my life. Help me to be faithful in all things. Calm our minds and remind us that we are stronger together than apart. Box 8930 . under the authority of The Holy Bible as the Word of God Help me to foster physical intimacy often with my spouse so that we meet each others physical needs. You alone are worthy of worship. As we pray we need to remember again and again to let Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, direct us in our prayer and intercession. As we do this the following prayer strategies and tactics may be employed. On the third bead, Say the hymn Come Holy Ghost. There are other factors at work in leading us to this discernment: Laura told me that she had watched a video of students at the University of Wisconsin shutting down the freedom of speech at a lecture that Ben Shapiro was giving. I pray for this nation and the uttermost ends of the earth that the light which is shining on darkness gives way to revelation and understanding of what sin looks like. His grace never leads to license and always leads to repentance!. You say that the fate of the people who practice these things is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is heartbreaking. It is the very force behind the legislation that seeks to banish God from our society; the same spirit that Satan used to deceive Eve when he told her, in so many words, God wont punish you for disobeying. Satan is using the same lie on Christians today; day after day, he convinces masses of believers that they can sin without paying any penalty. Continue to protect me and deliver me from my fear of death. Prayer Targets Pray into 1 John 3:4 ~ Pray that a spirit of repentance would be sent by the God of Israel upon the nations and into the churches! I just confess for myself that for many years of my earlier Christian life I caught up with my own spiritual growth, my own agenda, and I was not able to see with spiritual eyes beyond the walls of the church and identify with spiritual discernment the infiltration of the enemy in our churches, our schools and every other area of life. It means you disregard and oppose the law - God's law. As you are led by the Holy Spirit. It doesnt get much worse from Satan with the shooting and killing of 20 church members in Texas and one in CA today. alter your agenda, Lord. I pray they fear God not man and that they make decisions according to his word, will and way. These would be those who are funding, enabling and leading those in Antifa and in other expressions of this stronghold. How would you respond if you were attacked like this? Unbiblical Expectations of Revival. Let my heart and flesh cry out to You instead of crying for the things of this world. Send Your Heavenly Armies to defend, defeat and take back the territory stolen by the enemy. Yet, this lawlessness is not simply a rebellion against the rule of man. This shows that the "Comforter"the Holy Spiritwas sent to bring repentance, a change of direction, a turnabout in one's life. Thank You for all You do for me without me even asking. 9 I will not accept a bull from your house or goats from your folds. This is simply a prayer I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. Second, we need to confirm this guidance wherever possible by the rational evaluation of the information received through news media. In Jesus name. 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