Tpr. If the information here has been helpful or you have enjoyed reaching the stories please conside making a donation, no matter how small, would be much appreciated, annually we need to raise enough funds to pay for our web hosting or this site will vanish from the web. In general, the conditions in the main Teschen camp and in all the sub-camps were deplorable. The Wartime Memories Project is run by volunteers and the free to access part of the website is funded by donations from our visitors. I am enclosing his picture and the obituary of him. recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items. Description exists to this archive on the Wiener Library's online catalogue Of the many horrors that would emerge from the bloody conflict, few could match the cruel concentration camps established by Germany. He was tortured by the Under Officer in charge of his first working party (Groschowitz/ Groszowice) to find out if he was a Jew. The South Lancashires held the far left of the British line, west of Nieuport, the Loyals occupied the fortified town of Bergues on the right, while the East Lancashires plugged a gap in the centre of the line along the Bergues Canal. Steel works, E149 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Buchenlust, E17 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Oppeln. Fawdon
All three of the 1st Battalions then took up defensive positions to cover the evacuation of the BEF. By 1943, the famous camp for Allied flight personnel in Sagan - Stalag Luft III - had become so overcrowded that about 1,000, mostly non-commissioned flight personnel, were transferred to Lamsdorf. Everyone to whom I spoke gave the same story - the people in the city of Auschwitz, the SS men, concentration camp inmates, foreign workers - everyone said that thousands of people were being gassed and cremated at Auschwitz, and that the inmates who worked with us and who were unable to continue working because of their physical condition and were suddenly missing, had been sent to the gas chambers. Baitford
The Hollies
E276 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Ottmachau. All three units held their positions, under constant attack, until ordered to withdraw. The date fits(if this was Pte Law's diary for 1942) and the reason fits the official German version. Also known as Stalag 344, and connected to Stalag IV b/z and Stalag VIII-d. 64,000 POWs in 1944 with 150 officers and 13,625 being British. recording and preserving recollections, documents, photographs and small items. Jim Humphreys
A civilian labourer apparently confirmed this version. This website is paid for out of our own pockets, library subscriptions and from donations made by visitors. It was located in the area of the former Camp II (Lager II), initially referred to as a camp of field artillery (Feldlager). Buchenwald was built in 1937 to imprison opponents of the Nazi regime and others they saw as "undesirable." Following interrogation at Dulag Luft prisoners were mostly moved to one of seven Stalag Luft prisoner of war camps. Dagenham
Arbeitskommandos were set up to house lower ranks that were working in the coal mines, quarries, factories and on railways. He weighed 6 stone when he came home and was of a nervous disposition for the rest of his life. The Soviet Army reached the camp on 17 March 1945. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. The J.H. If you would like to enquire about commercial use of Archive items published on this page, please email us quoting its address (URL) and/or the item unique identifier. After the treaty of Versailles, the camp was closed down. Before the end of the war he was transfered to Marlag & Milag Nor, a Naval camp; how he was made to travel there we do not know, it's a pity PCs were not around years ago. stone quarry and factory E119 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b E119 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b E119 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Mankendorf. They included general physicians and surgeons, even a neurosurgeon, psychiatrist, anesthesiologist and radiologist. The camp was closed in September 1944 when most prisoners were transferred to Stalag Luft 3. Tamworth
Powell Ave.
A. E. Collins
The date fits(if this was Pte Law's diary for 1942) and the reason fits the official German version. Plaistow
MG Jenkins 42nd Btn Royal Tank Regiment, Pte. "Gerfreitter Sonntag lifted the wheelbarrow himself and pushed it a bit further in order to show the prisoner it was not too heavy. Stalag 8b Prisoner of War Camp Arbeitskommando E501, Stalag8b, E1. True Heart Inn
The Archive team would love to hear from you. Stalag Luft 4Used for: Stalag Luft 4, Stalag Luft iv, Stalag Luft IV, Tychowo camp, Gro Tychow camp, Stalag Luft 4 was located at Gross Tychow, now Tychowo, in north-east Poland 78 miles (125 kms) north-east of Stettin, now Szczecin. All the civilian population knew it. Join or Log Into Facebook. Len Walker
Opened in 1939 Stalag 8B was aprisoner of war camp run by the German Army located at Lamsdorf, now Lambinowice, in south-west Poland. A Royal Canadian Air Force POW in Stalag VIII-B prison camp. Trpr. Hull, 20th Jan 1944
My family were told that Sonntag was not seen in the camp again and they believed he was sent to the Eastern Front. Hall School
When I began to research my family history I got Dad's military records from the MOD. Yorkshire Road
If you think that this page can be improved, please email us quoting its address (URL) and/or the item unique identifier.
Canada, 26th April 1944
There were more than 700 subsidiary Arbeitskommandos (working parties outside the main camp). From . Required fields are marked *. The BEF advanced into Belgium but the Allied front rapidly collapsed before the German blitzkrieg and the British force, with its flanks exposed and its rear increasingly threatened, was obliged to make a succession of withdrawals. It was opened in 1939 to house Polish prisoners from the German September 1939 offensive. Thus a camp within a camp was created. All the camp knew it. The men were marched along country roads towards the Oder, first north towards Dresden, then when the Germans changed their mind, south towards Bavaria, eventually reaching Stalag XIII-D near Nuremberg. Henry A. Alison was researching a number of deaths in prison camps. 10thFeb 2023 - Please note we currently have a huge backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. Andrew Jeffrey Evinou 4th Btn. However, as it was attached to the Monowitz concentration camp (codenamed Buna after the synthetic rubber it made) which was one of the 28 sub-camps under the control of Auschwitz III, the SS had effective control. Any idea of the names of the fellows in the photo from VIIIB? The lazarett was headed by a German officer with the title Oberst Arzt ("Colonel Doctor"), but the staff was made up entirely of prisoners. Under those circumstances, nobody could be at or near Auschwitz without knowing what was going on. If you can provide any additional information, especially on actions and locations at specific dates, please add it here. At this same location there had been a prisoner camp during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. sawmill, E389 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Rudgershagen. Sukasari
He spoke of being lined up to be shot on two separate occasions, but each time was reprievedI think that was a form of mental torture. D. H. Goffee
In 1943, the Lamsdorf camp was split up, and many of the prisoners (and Arbeitskommando) were transferred to two new base camps Stalag VIII-C Sagan (modern agan and Stalag VIII-D Teschen (modern esk Tn). Those who were unable to march were killed with the butts of the guns by the so-called Nachkommando which followed the columns. They included general physicians and surgeons, even a neuro-surgeon, psychiatrist, anesthesiologist, radiologist. Lawrence, a trained engineer, carried out clandestine photography in the Camp between August 1942 - February 1945. The camp was commanded by SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Otto Brossmann. Cameron St.
Today I read the diaries of Private William Law. Camp commander Czesaw Gborski was later put on trial for his role in running the camp. Dagenham Ave
In 1943, the Lamsdorf camp was split up, and many of the prisoners (and Arbeitskommandos) were transferred to two new base camps Stalag VIII-C Sagan and Stalag VIII-D Teschen (modern esk Tsn). He ordered Gribben now to push the barrow. James Badcock
Thus a camp within a camp was created. She gave us a copy of the Translation of the Deposition of W.J. Lanarkshire
Stalag VIII-B Lamsdorf was a German Army prisoner of war camp, later renumbered Stalag-344, located near the small town of Lamsdorf (now called ambinowice) in Silesia. Standerton
Wild Kipp
A photomontage of images from Stalag VIIIb prisoner of war came including a German list of prisoners who escaped from the Camp and featuring the profile of . The working party was known as BAB 20/3COY. The original pages can be seen in Arthur's Wartime Log - Part 2, 29th Jul 1942
Polish army personnel being repatriated from POW camps were also processed through Lamsdorf and sometimes held there as prisoners for several months. please
London, 19th Aug 1942
Robert Kelly East Lancashire Regiment. Ayot St. Peter
Where 8B is shown, this means Teschen. Restrictions and conditions apply. Near Walsall
(The Rapids)
London, 19th Oct 1944
The camp initially occupied barracks built to house British and French prisoners in World War I. Letters from Frank Morris while prisoner-of-war in Stalag VIII-B. Victoria
Cemetery House
Pine Ave
along the Ypres-Comines Canal at the time of Dunkirk, May 1940 - with grateful acknowledgement to the grandson of. Library contains an ever growing number diary entries, personal letters and other documents, most transcribed into plain text. sugar beet factory. More than 100,000 English-speaking POWs were held there, either at the base camp or in over 600 working parties in the area. Schmitz (used in the war crimes investigation). In 2005 my mother also contacted Alison Robertson from an advert in the local paper. Wiener Collection, Tel Aviv University, Israel. In the 1860s, the Prussian Army established a training area for artillery at a wooded area near Lamsdorf, a small village connected by rail to Opole and Nysa. Prisoners from Holland, Belgian, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, Rumania and Russia were imprisoned there. Stalag Luft 7Used for: Stalag Luft 7, Stalag Luft vii, Stalag Luft VII, Bankau camp, Breslau. Grenadier Guards. The popularity of the site means that it is far exceeding available resources. Wallasey
Ordered back from one defensive line to the next, amid scenes of growing chaos, the four Lancashire battalions fought a number of delaying actions, most notably at Tournai on the Escaut, at Lannoy and at Rousbrugge, before reaching Dunkirk. London, J E Hall
Stalag VIII-B Lamsdorf was a German Army prisoner of war camp, later renumbered Stalag-344, located near the small town of Lamsdorf (now called ambinowice) in Silesia. L W Walsh
The visit has really inspired me to make sure that Dad's name is recorded and remembered. New Zealand, Frank W Day
Today I read the diaries of Private William Law. Buitenzorg
The unlucky ones got liberated by the Soviets, who instead of turning them over quickly to the western allies, held them as virtual hostages for several more months. That involved being beaten in the face with a rifle butt, an assault that led to the loss of his teeth. Want to know what life was like during the War? The others served as treatment blocks with operating theaters, X-ray and laboratory facilities, as well as kitchens, a morgue, and accommodations for the medical staff. Reginald Ryder
D Gardiner
Esselmeyer was a big band leader in the states after the war called the 'River City Big Band' in St Louis Missouri. I stood on the railway platform where Dad would have arrived, and saw the entrance to the camp. Many of them were finally repatriated towards the end of 1945 through the port of Odessa on the Black Sea. THE ONLINE MEMORIAL AND MUSEUM OF PRISONERS OF WAR. When I began to research my family history I got Dad's military records from the MOD. Albert A. Seibel
Pleasant Harbour
If anyone has any information that might relate to my late father, I would be most keen to learn of it. It saw almost a century of misery. Dad had one of their recordings. Nous avons dvelopp pour cela un moteur de recherche ddi, accessible gratuitement tous via la Bibliothque numrise. Dulag Luft was used for interrogating Allied aircrew who could be held in solitary confinement whilst being questioned for a week or two but some were held for up to 28 days. But if you can add any details about the person listed, please use the add to record link below. Norton
Want to find out more about your relative's service? In the second issue of The Clarion (the camp magazine) in February 1943, the RC Chaplain Father John Berry says that "there are about 600 Working Parties and .. you will be able to guess why so many of you will have not yet had a visit". to help with the costs of keeping the site running. to help with the costs of keeping the site running. Update: The Wartime Memories Project is unfortunately no longer in contact with Dan, his website, facebook page and email have all ceased to function. All Rights Reserved except for Fair Dealing exceptions otherwise permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, as amended and revised. Donnington
Colmore Ave
Cpl. The South Lancashires held the far left of the British line, west of Nieuport, the Loyals occupied the fortified town of Bergues on the right, while the East Lancashires plugged a gap in the centre of the line along the Bergues Canal. H. J. Research then told me about the Death Marches - and the fact that the starving prisoners ate grass. Robert Kelly East Lancashire Regiment. Brinley Norman "Bryn" Williams Royal Engineers. There were less than 200 survivors found. Cape Town
Essex, 26th Jul 1942
Later approximately 100,000 prisoners from Australia, Belgium, British India, British Palestine, Canada, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man, the United States and Yugoslavia passed through this camp. On 10th May 1940 the Phoney War came to an abrupt end when Germany invaded Belgium and Holland. Douglas
Cpl. At this same location there had been a prisoner camp during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. D. A. The Untold Story of Allied Prisoners of War in Germany 1944-45. In December 1943 the camp was split with RAF prisoners staying at Lamsdorf which was renumbered Stalag 344 and Army prisoners being moved away. It is not clear which battalion Robert served with however it is more probable that it was the 1st Battalion which formed part of the final defence force around the Dunkirk beaches. But Gribben unloaded a portion of the land on the ground." Records from Stalag 8b Prisoner of War Camp other sources. c/o Quebec Liquor Commission
Andrew Jeffrey Evinou 4th Btn. In April 1945, the British POWs at Auschwitz were liberated by the U.S. Army at Stalag VII A in Moosburg. Records from Stalag 8b Prisoner of War Camp other sources. Later approximately 100,000 prisoners from Australia, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, France, Greece, New Zealand, Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and the United States passed through this camp. Essex, J. R. Skan
Joseph Gribben Princess Louise Battalion Middlesex Regiment (d.27th Mar 1942). But Gribben unloaded a portion of the land on the ground." The Soviet Army reached the camp 17 March 1945. In November 1943 there was another reorganization, Lamsdorf was renamed "Stalag 344", and a large number of prisoners were transferred to Teschen, which became Stalag VIII-B. Released by the advancing Russian forces in Upper Silesia. Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf (now Lambinowice in Silesia) also known as Kommando E562, became a part of the Auschwitz/Monowitz concentration camp complex. In the time of successive wars, it provided facilities where prisoners-of-war were detained . It was reopened in 1939 to house Polish prisoners from the German invasion of Poland, which started World War II in September 1939. It opened in March 1942 by theLuftwaffeto hold captured Allied airmen. In 1941 a separate camp, Stalag VIII-F was set up close by to house the Soviet prisoners. In January the camp held just over 1500 prisoners who were evacuated initially as part of the long march and then by train to Stalag 3A. In 1941 a separate camp, Stalag VIII-F was set up close by to house the Soviet prisoners. East Street
Grange Town
Six of them were self-contained wards, each with space for about 100 patients. paper mill, E88 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Hohrnlohehutte, E902 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Delbruckschachte-Hindenburg coal mine, E91 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Mittenbruck Silesia. A photomontage of images from Stalag VIIIb prisoner of war came including a German list of prisoners who escaped from the Camp and featuring the profile of . Prisoner of warUsed for: POW, PoWSomeone held in custody by a belligerent power during or immediately after an armed conflict. St Helens Laws, Ken Whitely
1st and 4th Battalions East Lancashire Regiment who joined the 42nd Division in 1940 prior to Dunkirk. Royal Tank Regiment, The Last Escape. E288 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b sugar beet factory Bauerwitz, E30 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Cement factory, E324 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Gross Dubrnsko, E357 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Tunneling Peitskretschen, E364 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Gross Strelitz, E373 Arbeits kommando Stalag 8b Blaschke, Czechoslovakia. The base camp at Lamsdorf was renumbered Stalag 344. Stalag 3A was liberated by the Russians in April 1945. Arcadian Buffet
If you have already submitted a story to the site and your UID reference number is higher than 261046 your information is still in the queue, please do not resubmit, we are working through them as quickly as possible. Even while still at Auschwitz we got radio broadcasts from the outside speaking about the gassings and burnings at Auschwitz. There are photos of three funerals at BAB20 on the Pegasus website. In 1943, the Lamsdorf camp was split up, and many of the prisoners (and Arbeitskommando) were transferred to two new base camps Stalag VIII-C Sagan (modern aga and Stalag VIII-D Teschen (modern esk Tn). Arthur E. Adams (front row, second from left) and other fellow PoW's at Stalag VIII B, Flight Sergeant Frank Firman (front row, centre), Below is a list of names and addresses of various PoW's from Stalag VIII B, Stalag Luft III, Belaria and Stalag III A. The Room 42 on the football plaque could refer to a room containing mainly POWs from the 42nd Division. New Westminster, BC
- Stalag 8b Prisoner of War Camp during the Second World War -. Lua error in Module:Location_map at line 510: Unable to find the specified location map definition: "Module:Location map/data/Germany 1937" does not exist. The majority of the interned were British, French, Polish and Yugoslavian soldiers. The Wartime Memories Project is a non profit organisation run by volunteers. Stalag 8BUsef for: Stalag VIII-B, Stalag vii-b, Stalag-344, Lamsdorf camp. Some were later released, others sent to Gulags in Siberia. In 1944 American and British prisoners arrived. The Last Escape. Farben chemical plant just a few hundred meters away from the entrance to Monowitz. List of Prisoners of War Camps (Stalags and Oflags) in Germany and Incorporated Countries. The three Lancashire battalions were among the last British troops to embark on the night 2nd/3rd June. The camp was commanded by SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Otto Brossmann.
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