riding mower does nothing when i turn the key

To push a riding mower equipped with hydrostatic drive it will be necessary to disengage the fluid drive by activating the manual bypass valve. Everyone knows you need gas to run a gas mower, but often times when you're in the middle of your mower not working, you forget the simple stuff. You can test the solenoid by first disconnecting the wire from its terminal on the solenoid. His brainchild, Sawinery, allowed him to do so as well as connect with other craftsmen. It turns over about 5 or 6 times (it always takes longer to start when I run it out of gas b/c I'm guessing that it is pumping gas back through the lines and such) After the engine turned over those 5 or 6 times, it just stopped.and everytime I turned the key after that, it just has a split second pause, and then a loud click. If the brake pedal doesnt work, then you need to inspect your brake detector. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Pull the wire harness off the brake switch. It should measure more than 12 volts. Spray some WD40. There are many reasons a riding lawn mower wont starteverything from stale gas to ignition switch problems. Second, check for power from the battery to one of the large terminals on the solenoid. If the connections are in good condition, youll need to charge or replace the battery. The parking brake must always be fully engaged when starting. Your battery is probably not the issue if they illuminate brightly. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. These terminals are along each other's diagonal at the bottom of the switch. Disconnect the negative battery cable and then the positive battery cable to completely kill power to the mower before checking resistance. Then, disconnect the battery terminals, starting with the negative (colored black) and then the red. Use a carburetor cleaner to get rid of dirt deposits within the carburetor. Clean corrosion off the cable leads with a wire brush if they are still there after dusting. Accessing the battery, which is usually under the driver's seat. After that, confirm that the blade is still detached. #1 Toro Z4200 model 74360. Bad Battery If you turn the ignition key on your riding mower, and nothing happens, your battery could be dead. If the battery is okay, it means power is getting to the red battery cable. If the brake switch is okay, the multi-meter should display 0 ohms of resistance. He has since built an enviable workshop for himself and an equally impressive online accomplishment: an extensive resource site serving old timers and novices alike. Lawn mower ignition switch problems can prevent the starter from getting current. Clean corrosion off the battery terminals and battery cable leads with a wire brushcorrosion can prevent the red solenoid post from getting power. You will know if your mower solenoid is when you listen to what happens when you turning the key while starting the mower. " I'm busier than a one-legged cat in a sandbox! There are two major locations to check out the air cleaner elements, and the fuel system. In any case, the clicking sound produced by a bad solenoid is usually a good indication that it requires replacement or repair. Locate the spark plug, often found on the front of the mower, and disconnect the spark plug wire, revealing the plug beneath. Nothing is more annoying than a defective lawnmower. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Start the Engine. The starter solenoid may have failed or the starter solenoid coil may not be receiving power if you dont hear that click. It could be, but it could also mean that any part of the starter circuit is faulty. How to Troubleshoot & Bypass Bad Starter Solenoid on John Deere. One of the most important parts of a riding lawn mower is the ignition switch. Using a voltmeter, check the voltage between the disconnected terminal and the solenoids mounting bracket (which should be grounded). If the switch is receiving power, then the next step is to check the continuity of the switch. Charge your battery if it is lower than this level. Touch the metal shaft of a screwdriver to both of the large terminals at the same time. It also walks you through how the starting system works, so you can better understand how to track down the problem. If you measure infinite resistance, replace the brake switch because its broken. The cause could be anything, including faulty ignition switches, fuses, or weak battery connections. This implies that the starter solenoid is getting power from the battery. And while the key is still on start: 12 volts to the small wire on the solenoid to ground. No Spam. Why does my lawn mower not have any power? This type of riding mower is common, but the wiring and components in yours might be different. Consult the owner's manual for instructions specific to your model. Press the Brakes. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. If the riding mower makes a heavy clicking or a rapid clattering sound when the key is turned to the start position, there is a problem with the battery or a part of the starting circuit. Note the prongs that the white wires connect to because those are the prongs that well check resistance through to determine whether the brake switch is okay. 523 Questions View all . I have a 38" cut Bolens riding mower with 15.5 hp that does nothing. Step 1: Detach the Battery. When the starter motor solenoid engages, you should hear a clicking sound. Lawns 5 or more acres in size will typically require a cutting width of at least 54 inches -- otherwise you'll be out there mowing all day. Shorting across the solenoid posts sends the current to the starter motor. Fortunately, you can perform some bug fixes on your riding lawn mower before you require the assistance of a technician if you find yourself stating, My riding mower does nothing when I turn the key.. Regardless of your model, our experts troubleshooting methods will help you start your mower if you follow these tips to the letter. There's a separate AC lighting circuit of the alternator. If you constantly have to charge the battery, a bad battery or failed alternator could be causing the problem. Battery Put the key in the ignition, turn it to the "Start" position and release the key. Should I call a professional when the riding mower does nothing when I turn the key? The answer is: not always. Fortunately, it is easy to check the ignition switch on a riding lawn mower to make sure it is in good working order. But make sure the parking brake is engaged first. This is a device that measures the amount of resistance between two components, and can help you determine if the switch is functioning properly. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Bad Riding Mower Ignition Switch or Ignition Coil . Find your Snapper dealer to address this. If not, the riding lawn mower wont start. Repair information and troubleshooting for Craftsman-brand riding lawnmowers. Dirty Air Filter: Clean or replace. Connect the black multi-meter probe to the B prong and the other to the S prong. If the engine turns over and starts, the solenoid is bad and should be replaced. Before you even start the mower you should have 12 volts to the battery connection on the solenoid to ground. No click, no lights, no gauges, just zero. Below are some things to consider when trying to figure out riding mower does nothing when i turn the key. Keep in mind that the fuse blew because of a short in a component or wiring. When your riding mower wont start, carefully go through the starting procedure. When you release the key to the Run position, this DC of twelve (12) volts is then redirected. Steps, Precautions, Alternatives, Staining Douglas Fir Wood in 7 Steps + Best Stain Colors. Heres how to install a new one. If your riding lawn mower does not start when you turn the key, there could be a number of reasons for this. On the other hand, when you don't hear a click from the engine, the starter has failed, or its coil isn't getting power from the battery. Once a detector activates a safety function, your mower wont work as usual. A bad spark plug often causes an engine cylinder to misfire or sound like its struggling. It turns the safety switch on while sitting on the seat, establishing a connection between the electrical wires. We also walk you through how the starting system works, so you can better understand how to track down the problem. Your riding lawn tractor click but wont start because the trouble could be from your battery, fuse, control module, or mowers safety features. Push the wire harness plug through the hole so you can easily access the contacts for testing. If the ignition switch is okay, then we've isolated the circuit break to the section of white wire that includes the brake switch and blade switch. You need to check the engine of the mower and find out where the oil is coming from. Your Cub Cadet lawn mower requires a charged battery to start. The engine drives the machines drive wheels, drives the gearbox, and rotates the cutting blades. Your riding mower wont work otherwise. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. In this type of riding lawn mower, you lift the seat to get to the battery. Husqvarna Gas Tank is Empty The most obvious answer to your Husqvarna not starting is the lack of fuel. To replace the ignition switch, locate and unplug the wiring harness. Look for the large terminal posts on the solenoid where the thick red wires connect to the solenoid. If not, your riding lawn mower wont function. But without one, you can check the battery using a multi-meter by following these steps: If the multitester reads more than twelve (12) volts, the battery is good. LawnMowerGuru.com, All Rights Reserved. If I short out the . With the mower turned off, inspect the drive belt. If you begin with a battery and fuse test, youll save time. Then, you can figure out the correct approach for getting your tractor up and running again. Now you can get to the real work of mowing your lawn! You should measure near 0 ohms of resistance through this section of wiring. To heat up the battery, terminals and starter, try the key cycling trick. However, not every mower has one. A weak or dead battery won't power the starter solenoid coil. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Your email address will not be published. If the ground side of the circuit is okay, we'll check the hot side of the circuit that begins with the small red wire on the starter solenoid terminal and ends at the white wire that connects to the coil spade. To check that, lets measure voltage at the red terminal post. If theres no sound, the starter solenoid is likely malfunctioning or you might have a dead car battery. It can go bad due to a number of factors, including corrosion of the solenoid due to environmental conditions, improper installation or maintenance of the part, general wear and tear, or simply because it is an older part. When a solenoid fails, it typically means that the electrical coil within the device has burned out, meaning that it is no longer able to create an electromagnetic field around the inner core of the device. The solenoid has to be replaced if the engine turns over and starts. If the blade switch is okay, then theres a break in the white wire between the ignition switch and the solenoid coil thats preventing the coil from getting power. Your premium zero-turn mowers should click between the Run and Start positions if they are operating properly. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',155,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-155{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}This often requires a professional to diagnose the issue and repair it. In most riding lawn mowers, this is done by pulling the throttle lever upwards past fast-a point normally labeled with a circle with diagonal lines through it. The solenoid connects the battery to the starter motor when the solenoid is energized. 1 When I turn the key on my mower and nothing happens? Try to turn engine by hand, to ensure engine is not seized. Turn off the ignition system before accessing the battery. You should hear one click when the solenoid engages. Battery troubles are one of the most common reasons a mower won't run or click. What is the significance of the click when you turn the key? Turn on your mowers hood and dash lights if they are equipped with them. If so, disengage it. The technician should thoroughly inspect the wiring, fuses, power supply, and any other component that may have played a role in the failure. Craftsman Riding Mower. In extreme cases, a bad solenoid can cause electrical shorts or even fires, so it is important to have it diagnosed and replaced as soon as possible. Together, these parts help to charge the battery and start auxiliary power sources like headlights and power plugs. To do this, you will need to use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the two terminals on the switch. . if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_25',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-narrow-sky-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'remodelormove_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_26',168,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-narrow-sky-1-0_1');.narrow-sky-1-multi-168{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}If the battery is dead, the mower will click when you attempt to start it, indicating that power is getting to the starter, but the starter will not engage to turn over the engine. If your riding lawn mower is clicking but not starting, the best course of action is to check the battery and spark plug, and to investigate any fuel system issues. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. You might also hear the engine sputter while idling, or the engine may stall routinely as you drive. Your mower cant run on a damaged rear tire. 2. Note the prong's wiring and then disconnect the blade switch's cable harness. Using the multi-meter probes, touch both prongs that connect to the wiring of the brake detector. How does a lawn mower ignition switch work? Tuck the cables away from the battery to keep them from touching the posts and accidentally restoring power. An indication of a bad starter motor is the absence of other electrical problems that can be more easily tested. I have checked schematics online and even called Bolens, but I cannot find a starter, and Bolens has told me that there is no part called the starter. Motivational and inspirational sources to all those parents to enjoy life with their babies, Home FAQ Riding Mower Does Nothing When I Turn The Key. You might at least try to identify the engine brand, model etc. Remove the faulty solenoid and replace it with the new one. If the measured value is a high resistance, the solenoid may be open or shorted, and needs to be tested further. FIX: Add fresh fuel to your gas tank. On the other hand, a damaged ignition switch will measure infinite resistance. If the sensors in the motor work correctly, a circuit module will also output a command to the starter through the solenoid. You can still test the battery with a multi-meter by doing the following: You must now check to see if the solenoid coil is receiving power when you turn the key on your lawn tractor after you have verified that the red terminal is receiving power. Like Save It is also possible that the issue is related to the fuel system. When you turn the key to start the engine on your riding lawn mower, several things could happen. Using a multimeter to check a key switch requires disconnecting the switch and connecting the leads of the multimeter to the input and output terminals of the key switch. A few symptoms provide clues that its time to change a spark plug. The sensors are a fairly basic on/off switch type, and they seldom cause problems. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Solution If after following all of the pre-starting instructions in the Operator's Manual the mower still will not energize the engine starter when the key is turned to start, check that the side discharge chute or mulch plug or bagger chute-to-deck adapter (depending on which is installed at the time) is properly installed. Cub Cadet Battery in a Riding Mower 11. Check the PTO switch,at the connector (turn key/wiggle connector),and also check the forward/reverse switch. When you start the engine and your riding mower does not forward nor reverse, your ignition switchs contacts complete a circuit. Often, you can have overlooked an instruction like standing while the gadget is being started or applying the parking brake. The best case scenario is that you take your car to a professional to handle it or simply just replace the switch. Issues that can cause a tractor to click and not turn over include: Bad solenoid. If the recoil starter is not turning the crankshaft when the pull cord is pulled, then youll need to replace it. Then, getting these topnotch riding mower for hills might be an ideal solution. Required fields are marked *. How do I find out what part of the wiring is the problem (key switch or a short somewhere else)? Remove the tabs to pull the ignition switch out of its slot. Plugging the charger to a power outlet. 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