1513 - 1516), TITLE III. 793 - 821), CHAPTER II. THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST, CHAPTER II. However, the same act made law that after 20 years, the remedy for such recovery was no longer available, despite the fact that the existence of Cestui Que Vie Trusts is denied and Westminster and Banks are sworn to lie, obstruct, hide at all cost the existence of the foundations of global banking slavery. THE INTERVENTION OF A THIRD PERSON IN A CASE, TITLE VI. THE OBLIGATIONS AND RIGHTS OF CLERICS, TITLE IV. Each and every man and woman has the absolute right to rebuke and reject such false presumptions as a member of One Heaven and holder of their own title. Canon law 2057 Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment. John 18:37 // David E. Robinson, Publisher. 1397 - 1398), PART I. 834 - 848), New version of Book VI which enters into force as of 8 December 2021, _____________________________________________________________________________, TITLE I. ECCLESIASTICAL LAWS (Cann. and more, More from Justice Anna von Reitz | #3577 to 3579, POPE FRANCIS FOUND 'GUILTY' OF CHILD TRAFFICKING, RAPE AND MURDER, Follow American Patriot Email Reports on WordPress.com. Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the, is entitled only to equitable title and the use of, even if another name or description is used to define the type of, or use. Upon the deliberate bankruptcy of most countries, private central banks were installed as administrators and the global Cestui Que Vie/Foreign Situs Trust system was implemented from 1933 onwards. 3. 204 - 207) title v. associations of the christian faithful (cann. THE INTRODUCTORY LIBELLUS OF LITIGATION, CHAPTER II. When all Living Beings live simply in Accordance to Natural Law we will be experiencing Paradise on Earth. Learn how your comment data is processed. . CTJH.304.90001.0020. Each new babys contract was sealed by either a drop of their blood or by an ink impression of their foot onto the birth record. Canon 2045. . 1. The act also gives a vague and challenge path of relief that if one is of complete mind, not an infant and not under financial duress then any property under Cestui Que Vie Trusts is rightfully theirs for use; and, (ii) The second Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the reign of Henry 7th in 1488 (4Hen.7 c.17) permitted lords to render any attempt by people classed as wards to demonstrate their freedom useless and that such lords may use writs and other devices to force such people back to being compliant wards (poor slaves). The code obliges Roman Catholics of Eastern rites only when it specifically refers to them or clearly applies to all Roman Catholics. 5. MARRIAGE PROCESSES (Cann. of the illegitimacy of Westminster Statutes: (i) The first Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the claimed statutes of, whereby the act (still in force) states that all, effectively under cestui que use (subject to a Cestui Que Vie, not an infant and not under financial duress then, under Cestui Que Vie Trusts is rightfully theirs for use; and, (ii) The second Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the reign of Henry, permitted lords to render any attempt by people classed as wards to, demonstrate their freedom useless and that such lords may use writs and other devices to force such, people back to being compliant wards (poor slaves). 1370 - 1377), TITLE III. In terms of essential elements concerning Cestui Que Vie Trusts: (i) A Cestui Que (Vie) Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years being the traditional accepted life expectancy of the estate; and, (ii) A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. I reserve my plea pending full disclosure pursuant to, THE TRUSTWORTHINESS OF TESTIMONIES, CHAPTER V. JUDICIAL EXAMINATION AND INSPECTION, TITLE V. INCIDENTAL CASES (Cann. 1 . In so doing ie call back the Earth Mother in alignment with the Spirit of Life restoring Natural Law the Law of One=The Law of Love!!!! There are 4 laws in for a man and/or woman to walk righteously in life, 2. Divine Law and Human Law 39 . Since 1591, there has been a third series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning the property of soul and ecclesiastical rights which migrated to the United States for administration including: (i) In 1661 the Act of Settlement 1661-62; and, (ii) In 1871 the District of Columbia Act 1871; and. THE CANONICAL CONDITION OF PHYSICAL PERSONS, TITLE VII. and PROVISION OF ECCLESIASTICAL OFFICE, CHAPTER II. THE PARTIES IN A CASE (Cann. 959 - 997), CHAPTER I. In terms of the evidential history of the formation of Cestui Que Vie Trusts: (i) The first Cestui Que Vie Trusts formed were through an Act of Henry VIII of England in 1540 (32Hen.8 c1) and later wholly corrupted whereby the poor people of England, after having all their homes, goods and wealth seized in 1535 (27Hen.8 c.28) under the guise of small religious estates under 200, were granted the welfare or commonwealth benefit of an Cestui Que Use or simply an estate with which to live, to work and to bequeath via a written will; and, (ii) In 1666 Westminster and the ruling classes passed the infamous Proof of Life Act also called the Cestui Que Vie Act (19Car.2 c.6) whereby the poor and disenfranchised that had not proven to Westminster and the Courts they were alive, were henceforth to be declared dead in law and therefore lost, abandoned and their property to be managed in their absence. TEMPORAL GOODS AND THEIR ADMINISTRATION, CHAPTER III. A. CTS. J. URIDICAL . In terms of the evidential history of the operation and any form of relief or remedy associated with Cestui Que Vie Trusts, taking into account all Statutes referencing Cestui Que Vie prior to 1540 are a deliberate fraud and proof of the illegitimacy of Westminster Statutes: (i) The first Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the claimed statutes of the reign of King Richard III in 1483 (1Rich.3 c.1) whereby the act (still in force) states that all conveyances and transfers and use of property is good, even though a purchaser may be unaware it is effectively under cestui que use (subject to a Cestui Que Vie Trust). and rights which migrated to the United States for administration including: and restrictions of movement in states of "emergency"; and, (ii) In 1861 the Emergency Powers Act 1861; and, Since 1591, there has been a third series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning the. ecclesiastical rights which migrated to the United States for administration including: (ii) In 1871 the District of Columbia Act 1871; and, of England by the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the, Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom became, placed in private banks effectively becoming, the Wills Act, these private trusts have been also considered "Secret Trusts" whose existence does not need, From 1917/18 with the enactment of the Sedition Act and the Trading with the Enemy Act in the Unite, States and through the United Kingdom, the citizens of the Commonwealth and the United States became, and "aliens" which in turn converted the "Fide Commissary" private secret. Canon law (from Ancient Greek: , kanon, a 'straight measuring rod, ruler') is a set of ordinances and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority (church leadership) for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members. Since 1581, there has been a second series of Cestui Que Vie Estates concerning the property of persons and rights which migrated to the United States for administration including: (i) In 1651 the Act for the Settlement of Ireland 1651-52 which introduced the concept of settlements, enemies of the state and restrictions of movement in states of emergency; and, (ii) In 1861 the Emergency Powers Act 1861; and, (iii) In 1931 the Emergency Relief and Construction Act 1931-32; and. ie hereby restore my Biological Property and that of my Mothers and Fathers through his mother Gurine of the House of Hermenson. 1176 - 1185), CHAPTER II. A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known by several other pseudonyms such as Term of Life or Years or Pur Autre Vie or Fide Commissary Trust or Foreign Situs Trust or Secret Trust is a pseudo form of trust first formed in the 16th Century under Henry VIII of England on one or more presumptions including (but not limited to) one or more Persons presumed wards, infants, idiots, lost or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed/presumed dead after seven (7) years. 96 - 123), CHAPTER I. 294 - 297), TITLE V. ASSOCIATIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITHFUL (Cann. Our expert factory-trained technicians can provide regular maintenance and repairs. THE CARDINALS OF THE HOLY ROMAN CHURCH, SECTION II. THE SOURCES OF CANON LAW 34 . 4. By the 18th Century, the Crown was viewed as a company. 4. However by the start of the 19th Century around 1814 onwards upon the bankruptcy of the company (1814/15) , it became the fully private Crown Corporation controlled by European private banker families. By the Power Vested In Me by the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of The Waterfall ie Decree and Make Purified and Sanctified Our Holy and Sacred Mother Earth. canon law, Body of laws established within Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, independent churches of Eastern Christianity, and the Anglican Communion for church governance.Canon law concerns the constitution of the church, relations between it and other bodies, and matters of internal discipline. Canon Solutions America provides industry leading enterprise, production, and large format printing solutions, supported by exceptional professional service offerings. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES (Cann. 1313 - 1320), TITLE III. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. In terms of essential elements concerning Cestui Que Vie Trusts: (i) A Cestui Que (Vie) Trust may only exist for seventy (70) years being the traditional accepted life expectancy of the estate; and, (ii) A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. 710 - 730), SECTION II. There is No Authority on Earth who can Rightfully Govern My Life Except My Own. (iii) The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent and present before a competent authority. 822 - 832), TITLE V. THE PROFESSION OF FAITH (Can. SECULAR INSTITUTES (Cann. From 1917/18 with the enactment of the Sedition Act and the Trading with the Enemy Act in the United States and through the United Kingdom, the citizens of the Commonwealth and the United States became effectively enemies of the state and aliens which in turn converted the Fide Commissary private secret trusts to Foreign Situs (Private International) Trusts. The Birth Certificate issued under Roman Law represents the modern equivalent to the Settlement Certificates of the 17th century and signifies the holder as a pauper and effectively a Roman Slave. 23 - 28) TITLE III. A resource for both professional and armchair canonists. THE SUPREME AUTHORITY OF THE CHURCH (Cann. Since 1933 every new child born was required to be registered, thereby creating a Corporate Person, effectively denying that child any rights as an owner of Real Property. Im also working on a much smaller case using the same method. THE JOINDER OF THE ISSUE (Cann. PHYSICAL AND JURIDIC PERSONS (Cann. Why is it so many do not know that all courts are based in commerce? THE FINANCE COUNCIL AND THE FINANCE OFFICER, CHAPTER III. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to seize the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to salvage the lost property and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. THE VENERATION OF THE SAINTS, SACRED IMAGES, AND RELICS (Cann. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to seize the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to salvage the lost property and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. Canon 2057 Any Administrator or Executor that refuses to immediately dissolve a Cestui Que (Vie) Trust, upon a Person establishing their status and competency, is guilty of fraud and fundamental breach of their fiduciary duties requiring their immediate removal and punishment. CONTRACTS AND ESPECIALLY ALIENATION (Cann. By 1815 and the bankruptcy of the Crown and Bank of England by the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom became assets placed in private banks effectively becoming private trusts or Fide Commissary Trusts administered by commissioners (guardians). SEPARATION WITH THE BOND REMAINING, PART II : THE OTHER ACTS OF DIVINE WORSHIP, TITLE I: SACRAMENTALS (Cann. THE BRIEFER MATRIMONIAL PROCESS BEFORE THE BISHOP, CHAPTER II. Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State(Estate) under inferior Roman law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions, specifically designed to deny the child forever any rights of Real Property, any Rights as a Free Person and any Rights to be known as man and woman rather than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit. "=faOb@/`flx""'XU4EZ30!G?r7 r$mk0$/fvyt#
)c " cB@Dz Y\"*2;atuu2djNB1&%i;a J\Y6HA`b8z98 Plt[]8q]Up KaEZ$jO\`|n]H(X;5jD*f@$'h/]u11!J!h6Qf[BRI[`, O/!BKKP#gnT=x$+0I{>=~?@+ *{'\.IN/;C c1J{@{qOt^a E3FFR9 1598 - 1606), TITLE VII. The act also gives a vague and challenge path of relief that if one is of complete mind, not an infant and not under financial duress then any property under Cestui Que Vie Trusts is rightfully theirs for use; and, (ii) The second Act outlining Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts is deliberately hidden under the reign of Henry 7th in 1488 (4Hen.7 c.17) permitted lords to render any attempt by people classed as wards to demonstrate their freedom useless and that such lords may use writs and other devices to force such people back to being compliant wards (poor slaves). THE DISCIPLINE TO BE OBSERVED IN TRIBUNALS (Cann. SINGULAR ADMINISTRATIVE ACTS (Cann. The Trust Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the Estate from two Latin words e+statuo literally meaning by virtue of decree, statute or judgment. - CEST TUI QUE TRUST Remedy- The American States Assemblies THE PROMOTER OF JUSTICE, THE DEFENDER OF THE BOND, AND THE NOTARY, CHAPTER II. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 1321 - 1330), TITLE IV. THE SUBJECT LIABLE TO PENAL SANCTIONS (Cann. Orders will be shipped to a street address in the 50 United States or the District of Columbia only. Upon the promissory note reaching maturity and the bank being unable to seize the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to salvage the lost property and itself monetized as currency issued in series against the Cestui Que (Vie) Trust. As above all ie hereby retain my Right of Self Determination and the Right of Every Other Being in the name of the Holy Spirit! While the private secret trusts of the private central banks cannot be directly addressed, they are still formed on certain presumptions of law including claimed ownership of the name, the body, the mind and soul of infants, men and women. R. v. McNeil, [2009] 1 SCR 66. THE JUDGMENT, ITS APPEALS AND ITS EFFECTS, Art. (iii) The third Act outlining the operation of Cestui Que Vie only hidden this time as Estate Pur Autre Vie was in 1741 under14Geo.2 c.20) whereby one who was knowledgeable of the Cestui Que Vie slavery system could between the ages of 18 to 20, seek to recover such property under Cestui Que Vie and cease to be a slave. PROCURATORS FOR LITIGATION AND ADVOCATES, TITLE V. ACTIONS AND EXCEPTIONS (Cann. 4. Since 1933 every new child born was required to be registered, thereby creating a Corporate Person, effectively denying that child any rights as an owner of Real Property. THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION (Cann. THE DECLARATIONS OF THE PARTIES, Art. It has been an interesting journey. Each of us has a fundamental rite (right) not to engage in Black Magic. Each Cestui Que Vie Trust created since 1933 represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the 3 claims of property of the Roman Cult, being Real Property, Personal Property and Ecclesiastical Property and the denial of any rights to men and women, other than those chosen as loyal members of the society and as Executors and Administrators. y the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom became assets placed in private banks effectively becoming "private trusts" or "Fide Commissary Trusts" administered by commissioners (guardians). 2 0 obj 1501 - 1512), CHAPTER I. Offer not valid on bulk orders. 879 - 896), CHAPTER I. Roman Canon Law. Does anyone know how to take the steps to access the trust and claim our inheritance as benefactors, beneficiaries, and heirs of creation? THE MISSIONARY ACTION OF THE CHURCH (Cann. THE PUBLICATION OF THE ACTS, THE CONCLUSION OF THE CASE, AND THE DISCUSSION OF THE CASE (Cann. 431 - 459), CHAPTER I. ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCES AND ECCLESIASTICAL REGIONS, TITLE III. The Birth Certificate has no direct relationship to the private secret trusts controlled by the private banking network, nor can it be used to force the administration of a state or nation to divulge the existence of these secret trusts. Do not sell or share my personal information, https://web.archive.org/web/20140706031358/http://one-heaven.org/canons/positive_law/article/100.html. JURIDIC ACTS (Cann. PENALTIES AND OTHER PUNISHMENTS (Cann. 1713 - 1716), PART IV. The Trust Corpus created by a Cestui Que (Vie) is also known as the Estate from two Latin words e+statuo literally meaning by virtue of decree, statute or judgment. BOOK III. c.52 20) duty was applied to Estates Pur Autre Vie for the first time; and. Given the private secret trusts of the private central banks are created on false presumptions, when a man or woman makes clear their Live Borne Record and claim over their own name, body, mind and soul, any such trust based on such false presumptions ceases to have any property. THE ORDINARY CONTENTIOUS TRIAL, TITLE I. 224 - 231), TITLE III. 1740 - 1752), CHAPTER I. CASES TO DECLARE THE NULLITY OF MARRIAGE, Art. The Decalogue must first be understood in the context of the Exodus, God's great liberating event at the center of the Old Covenant. We are born balanced with unalienable Rights. R. v. Stinchcombe, [1991] 3 SCR 326 The 3rd form of law is Talmudic and Roman Cult law is effective because of the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust of Baptism. However, as the Estate is held in a Temporary not permanent Trust, the (Corporate) Person as Beneficiary is entitled only to equitable title and the use of the Property, rather than legal title and therefore ownership of the Property. of essential elements concerning Cestui Que Vie Trusts: may only exist for seventy (70) years being the tradi, their behalf, they do not own the Cestui Que (Vie), (iii) The original purpose and function of a Cestui Que (Vie). ROMAN CANON LAW 3.3 Rights Suspension and Corruption Article 100 Cestui Que VieTrust, https://web.archive.org/web/20140706031358/http://one-heaven.org/canons/positive_law/article/100.html, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4068 to4072, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4065 to4067, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4049 to4065, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4047 &4048, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4038 to4046, Sky Wars: Fake alien invasion psyop being tested on suggestibleAmericans, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4031 to4037, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4018 to4030, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4014 to4017, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4009 to4013, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #4000 to4008, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3996 to3999, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3991 to3995, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3986 to3990, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3980 to3985, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3974 to3979, More from Judge Anna Von Reitz | #3967 to3973, Dimash Kudaibergen / Official Social MediaAccounts, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3961 to3966, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3957 to3960, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3954 to3956, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3949 to3953, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3939 to3948, Geoengineering scheme launched to dim the sun and freeze Earths oceanwater, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3934 to3938, whats wrong with the entire banking system, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3927 to3933, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3923 to3926, THE PLAN THE WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to2030, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3921 &3922, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3918 to3920, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #1913 to1917, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3903 to3912, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3898 to3902, More from Judge Anna von Reitz | #3894 to3897. WHO BENEFITS FROM THE MASS DEATH OFCITIZENS? Therefore Cestui Que Use is not a Person but a Right and therefore a form of property. THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND INVESTIGATION, CHAPTER III. Each new babys contract was sealed by either a drop of their blood or by an ink impression of their foot onto the birth record. By 1815 and the bankruptcy of the Crown and Bank of England by the Rothschilds, for the 1st time, the Cestui Que Vie Trusts of the United Kingdom became assets placed in private banks effectively becoming private trusts or Fide Commissary Trusts administered by commissioners (guardians). PARTICULAR CHURCHES AND THEIR GROUPINGS, TITLE I. The Three (3) Cestui Que Vie Trusts are the specific denial of rights of Real Property, Personal Property and Ecclesiastical Property for most men and women, corresponds exactly to the three forms of law available to the Galla of the Bar Association Courts. THE INTRODUCTION AND INSTRUCTION OF THE CASE, Art. de populo dei part i. the christian faithful (cann. https://web.archive.org/web/20140706031358/http://one-heaven.org/canons/positive_law/article/100.html, https://doveyou.wordpress.com/2019/05/18/judges-are-bound-by-canon-law/, Holding Police And All Law Enforcers Liable For The Crimes Against Humanity!!! Enforcers like the police and courts made sure we stayed within the slavery system and incarcerated us if we chose to live as FREE individuals. How does a moral and ethical human being designate someone as a COMMERCIAL INSTRUMENT? Reference Documents for the Code of Canon Law and Scripture Study by . A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known by several other pseudonyms such as Term of Life or Years or Pur Autre Vie or Fide Commissary Trust or Foreign Situs Trust or Secret Trust is a pseudo form of trust first formed in the 16th Century under Henry VIII of England on one or more presumptions including (but not limited to) one or more Persons presumed wards, infants, idiots, lost or abandoned at sea and therefore assumed/presumed dead after seven (7) years. You can access it here. THE MOST HOLY EUCHARIST (Cann. The 85th Annual Convention of the Canon Law Society will take place at The Hyatt Regency Milwaukee, 333 West Kilbourn Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53203. Each Cestui Que Vie Trust created since 1933 represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the 3 claims of property of the Roman Cult, being Real Property, Personal Property and Ecclesiastical Property and the denial of any rights to men and women, other than those chosen as loyal members of the society and as Executors and Administrators.
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Articles C