according to nikola's research, each degree is connected to the sign it rules: aries degrees 1, 13, 25 - taking action, fighting spirit, not giving oneself up to fate, struggle, war, can indicate abuse, labor, diligence, leadership, beginnings, etc taurus degrees 2, 14, 26 - money, food, the earth, stability, luxuries, voice, singing, etc If someones moon/ rising is the same as your venus this will make you guys very affectionate and loving towards each other. Obviously the whole chart matters and if someone has one of these, it doesnt mean that they will be the next Kim Kardashian. They tend to have high standards for the people around them so they wouldnt tolerate with anything less than what they deserve. Venus in 10th individuals can get their info/ photos usen to catfish & etc, people admire them a lot. gemini moon + pisces risings tend to be very scattered and maybe a bit weird (in a good way) , but also very sneaky. (Placements not just sun) (synastry). six hours. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword. Once they stick to something it becomes part of their routine and become loyal as ever. A lot of Aries Placements tend to like to have a companion by their side and teach them their own ways. Ive done that, and its helped me. The talented, the beautiful, the Girlfriend, Tracee Ellis Ross is a perfect representation of the fame indicator by degree example.. As you can see, Tracee Ellis Ross has both her Moon and Venus . They tend to be very fixed on their beliefs and hopes so even if people try to bring them down theyll put themselves back up again. One way you can distinguish a Scorpio rising is by looking into their eyes and seeing how deep watery and mesmerizing they are, you tend to get lost in their eyes. Native is good at communicating & impressible wit. 29 of Destruction. They tend to be very fixed on their beliefs and hopes so even if people try to bring them down theyll put themselves back up again. They tend to be very creative and excel in Venusian activities like Arts. They tend to have very beautiful and expressive youthful eyes. So many pisces placements get into online / long distance relationships. They could benefit / are prone to having a lot of praises online and could have some internet fame. Looking at their masterlist helps a lot! I mentioned this on a seperate post but why are virgo sun sagittarius moons everywhere?? The nose is usually very well noted and are usually slender & oval faces. I need to make sure everything is in place if Im gonna keep this route!, You know all this organization and trying to put everything in place makes me tired. earth mars and water mars are good together. Pluto will also sextile this conjunction, and this can also be an intense process of confronting our fears and letting go of what is holding us back (SN), and just breaking through and moving towards the life we want. ), Rahu Planet Combinations:, Rahu in The Houses: They may be rich or be seen as rich and people may want to spoil them / could attract sugar daddies or mommies. They tend to use their emotional intelligence and wisdom to their advantage as people tend to underestimate them they tend to shock people on their authoritative ways and they are capable of doings things no one saw coming, only advice is to not cling onto any loving fantasy. Strong Mars Placement in chart can actually manifest in a lot of insecurity, especially in their sexuality & (insecure about feminity, masculinity). . Moon in 1st individuals usually dont display too much emotion because they know they can be vulnerable. They do crush on people easily though. and could excel at writing and people usually tend to enjoy their intellectual mind / work. A lot of sources refer to the anaretic degree as the 29th degree. Once you reach the 13th degree, you reset in the sign of Aries as you can see below: 13 Aries: critical degree. You may find a lot of people with this sign at work/ or whatever place. Face is usually oval with long nose. Where she is will show where you are the most rawest and dominant (think of an activist energy), and where people are compelled by your nature the most. This can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it can be negative attention or the person doesnt really enjoy it. Jupiter is at 11, another powerful degree. Earth Risings tend to be very brutally honest & this can make other people think theyre careless. They tend to have very physically attractive faces and it tends to be very sexually appealing. way of expressing themselves a lot of people may want to dig deep into them so its important they establish healthy boundaries. Astarte in Pisces / Astarte in 12th house: These natives tend to have a very dreamy almost not real appearance, ironically though a lot tend to be very self- conscious about their appearance and could be prone to not knowing who they really are. Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarism here . The nose is usually wider and the bottom lips tend to be thicker. Leo risings express themselves by, / Virgo placements are the most likely to have very, are the most accepting of everyone no matter their age no matter, . Is it the rules? Saturn is restricting after all. having a 5 does signify an individual having short-term fame or it could give a kin admiration from a large scale at a young age. They should be careful however of saying anything that sounds too forceful. -Sun/north node/stellium in 1st house/5th house/7th house/8th house/10th/11th house/ in leo/cancer/aries/ pisces. Its called common courtesy and respect. Also, not all celebrities have these, but I am putting the most common and known indicators of fame! CANCER RISING: Round headshapes are very common here along with flared nostrils & slight dimples can be recognized. Libra moons usually have very attractive eyes. Anyways, their astro content is great, ull find good posts. So yes, Saturn is tough, but once you come out of that karmic debt you are much wiser, stronger, and intelligent. I have never met a Libra in my personal life that was lacking in the aesthetics department, at least clothing wise. Leo risings change their hair a lot. Air moon with dominant water in chart is probably a hard combination when it comes to mental state. They tend to be rebellious and emotionally intelligent, its important to let their emotions out in a creative way. ( at least at one point). Possibly in the farther future.. but not any time soon! The child probably has been set to a lot of great things since young. Natives with this placement tend to be very slim built & can look younger. Long winded speaking (if Mercury are at these degrees). Nikola pointed that out lmao.). This lifetime will develop a bunch of experiences with different things. Q: Do you do energy exchanges with other readers / intuitives? This also means no follow up questions. We trust our ideas and logic like the back of our hand. Someone that doesnt tolerate with bullshit. Astarte in the 7th house tends to prioritize relationships / partnerships quite often as it brings them joy. Native should try to take care of themselves more than trying to help others constantly. I see more aesthetics post from them rn but if u look thru their blog good content is there :D, Venus I miss. Does not take friends advice* (This is directed towards the 18), Justice system (This includes judges, lawyers, etc), (This was interesting because remember that Nikola mentioned that the Aries degrees represent corners and angles. Especially for Aquarius/ Gemini rising. Usually has a very sharp jawline. Leo placements anywhere tend to have curlier/ wavier hair. Leo Venuses need to stop being so loyal to the wrong people. In vedic astrology, the 10th house of horoscope is said to be for fame and popularity. Good mix of astro and tarot tips. If not older, someone who may give an air of maturity. The ruler of his leo asc., the sun, does trine mars the ruler of his midheaven. (Tarot readings & Intuitive exchanges & channeling), A: Yes Im always available for them! These people are usually busy within trying to make themself secure in every way possible usually financinally. Their immediate environment could have been limiting for their growth. Astarte in the 4th house will make the native very intuitive and this could be an admirable trait. I thought of this when studying. venusian signs (taurus & libra) but also leo, may loved growing up playing fashion games. Mercuries in 9th house is a very big know it all placement in my opinion, people with this placement are very savy and knowledgeable and will not let you forget that theyre hella intelligent. Having the ruler in its own house always makes it very powerful. Leo Rising/ Leo moon love love to tell you how much they love you and like you as a person, its such a blessing. Saturn in 1st & Capricorn Moons & Capricorn Rising & Maybe even Capricorn Sun. Person is extremely intelligent but can at times keep their achievements to themselves to not be viewed any different. The more I think about it, I think when other astrologers/astrology students group actors and actresses with these degrees, I think more of theatre actors/actresses. . I dont bite at all. They could attract / marry more of an authoritative person and their spouse / person could be very physically attractive and dominant. FAME DEGREES. A lot of these natives are very intuitive and should use that to their advantage & they just know things, they arent too logical at times. Im tired of it. Simply Claude. capricorn placements love darker aesthetics & maybe even emo aesthetics + darker music, the sexual tension between a prominent scorpio placement and exposing the horrible parts of everyone. And powerful people. Most Water Mercuries tend to like to express them in a creative way. Person can break down easily & overthink. my pfps arent even me. Her husband, The Duke of Edinburghs, chart features the North Node of Destiny in his 10th house and Venus at 5 degrees oppositeTaurus inhis 4th house. Hey I will be posting a bunch of resources that will help you understand Astrology better in depth. (Taurus). Ive noticed libra anywhere in the big three indicates dimples. Here is some information about the asteroid Ceres from an astronomical + Greek mythology perspectives. They tend to love aesthetics and are usually very creative and desires the idea of being financially well off because of Venus traits. May like to fuck in a hotel room as well and etc. Pisces placements may be attracted to Sagittarius placements. While they tend to be seen as open- minded and they are, they tend to become very stubborn when crossed and savvy and hard to win arguments because they tend to charm it off easily as if it wasnt that serious, nonetheless they are very kind individuals and love upgrading themselves and tend to focus on the brighter parts of life for relief. Usually the sign there is significant in one of the peoples chart. The ruler of the Moon, Venus, is also conjunct the ASC angle so this is a time of knowing and achieving what WE want out of life. Constantly lifting each other up. Their beauty is very unique and unconventional and their beauty and sex appeal stands out. , May be the only kid or the oldest of their siblings. As being very logical, they can be very hard on themselves. They tend to be very protective over their loved ones. Every gemini venus ive met doesnt like getting into relationships because their intellect that most people arent shit lmaoo. Sources are also mentioned below: - To clarify, I will discuss from Aries-Virgo degrees and the others in a separate post to not make it seriously long. May have to learn how to have a structured routine in this lifetime. It is reported to be the longest eclipse in half a millennium since it is reported that this eclipse will last approx. They may even be confused now wether they were real or not. Not Two Faced Neccarisily but just unpredictable. Yelling. The main reason being, Sun gains natural strength in the 10th house. Yet, Nikola noticed this pattern in people who would act out of character. ^I can also see that they may like to date older people. Ive noticed this quite a bit now.. Cancer Venuses tend to be very attracted to the female figure & the breasts. Gemini Mercuries can easily find good logic to get themselves something out of a situation. Astarte in Pisces / Astarte in 12th house: These natives tend to have a very dreamy almost not real appearance, ironically though a lot tend to be very self- conscious about their appearance and could be prone to not knowing who they really are. They will attend to their needs & emphasis on health practically. -Venus/jupiter/neptune conjuct sun or moon. Elpis (59): Elpis is the Greek goddess of Hope, and was described as a beautiful looking woman holding flowers and a cornucopia. They tend to be very troublemaking they couldve hurt themselves a bit in the process, pisces placements / 12th house placements tend to hide their true talents at first, so when they open up on what they like to truly do everyone is like wow what? asteroid, one may not necessarily feel the prominence of Ceres unless it is in exact or close conjunction with a personal planet. Workers bees lmao!). Every taurus major placement Ive met is so hard working. Venus in leo/ mars in leo remember just because your crush liked another girls instagram picture does not mean you are annoying.. If you have mars in 4th im just gonna assume you have deep rooted trauma from home life & the reason you are wayy over protective over anything and yourself. War, fighting, police officers, firefighters, any occupation that involves uniforms and possibly risking your life. Comfort zone: Remember my Sun in the 4th house video! However if something doesnt interest them theyre not likely to want to, ? Pluto in 5th may have a very active sex life & may be attracted to very creative people. Each has a different type of fame; Scorpio is more expressive, Aquarius is humanitarian, and Leo is just straight up famous (sometimes for almost no reason). Jupiter in Sagittarius individuals will have luck helping them out this lifetime, even if they dont know it. Since it will be conjunct the Node and being eclipses are powerful energetically, this could be a time of understanding what do we truly want. She will always be lucky regarding her career and her reputation. And most importantly, remember that fame does not equal success or happiness, and happiness is not dependent on fame. Astarte in the 3rd house will make someone have a very dominant and appealing way with words and they tend to have a very fixed mind. Person is usually very physically alluring and easily draws people in and people may offer themselves to them but people are also very intimidated of them. They can at times be distant and let pride get in their way. If you were born when Venus was in industrious earth sign Capricorn, you're wired to take slow, steady, pragmatic steps toward building lasting bonds with a love match, a friend, or a business partner. What fulfills us? While these placements maygive the nativesa leg up when it comes tobecoming famous, it is important to remember, however, that not everyone with these specific fame indicators in astrology will become famous. RELATED:3 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Be Famous. Yall have fun being social out there., You know Im used to people not liking me for whatever reason, maybe because I dont give myself away to others. , Could have strong minds! aries with prominent earth are actually pretty calm maybe even shy people, but do not anger them. They tend to be very stubborn individuals and do not put up with any bullshit as they tend to belief in their own worth. Yet, it made me want to live on the outskirts to make sure no one would get to me. As a supporter you'll get access to exclusive content and perks. Can feel the mood in a room. One who is a 22 life path number represents one who has great power AND has the practicality to work on their goals little by little. And of course drop your chart with it. I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS! Partnerships can be tricky as person sometimes need to be more idealistic. If you have mars in 4th youdefinitely rebel over anything your parents say & argue every day over pointless things at times. Cancer Moons are good friends, they tend to be very optimistic about problems of their friends. Their war side could get them into potential drama and a lot of people may gossip about them often. (Gemini rules hand). wanna know if an aries placement likes you?? Theyre very adaptable. I love doing exchanges! Im so used to thinking that its okay and its alright when it was really I didnt always speak up and set those hard boundaries. The last degree of every Sign. The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. Cant wait to see some of your questions! They enjoy peaceful activities and like their own relaxing time quite often. , May have been afraid to express themselves when they are younger, but they need to learn how to be confident in their own ideas and express them in this lifetime. A lot of content u could read for hours, Niko is the sweetest ever. Means of transportation, streets, traffic, (Makes sense because the opposite of Mercury (small) is Jupiter (big and expanded)), Newspapers, journalists, books, reading material, Forms of communications (telephones, messaging systems, the Internet, people talking, etc). For example, Kim Kardashian'sSun, Moon and Jupiter are all at 28 degrees. 15 Gemini: assassinations or killings. They tend to use their emotional intelligence and wisdom to their advantage as people tend to underestimate them they tend to shock people on their authoritative ways and they are capable of doings things no one saw coming, only advice is to not cling onto any loving fantasy. Okay, I know opposite moon signs are similar, but sagittarius and geminis are sooooo fucking similarr. 2 of Supreme Power. Fame at the local degree! Gotta. Similarly, Mars can also give massive fame as Mars gains Natural strength . ?, You know I love being out there, but why am I seen just to be seen? Generally, we may feel very calm or feel like our body needs more time to rest and recover and take things slow (I know I have lol). However, they have a lot to give. This is similar to the MC point, but with the rulers of the signs. Remember that this is also a Venus-ruled Moon during this eclipse. As she was a warrior goddess, she is one who is dominant and fearless. you could suffer from something (again, general). A: I answer them whenever I have time so it could be days or weeks after the actual game, usually days after when Im in a comfortable spot. Just a theory! -In this post we will finish discussing about degree theory and how it applies. Sagittarius Placements can be inconsistent but they will reasurre their love for you and what adventure theyre up to. This is the work of TarotLadyTalks LLC. The video talks about how the 4th house talks about what is home to us! This is considered the degree of the household name. This degree only applies to the personal planets, especially those in the 10th house of the birth chart which represents what you are known for. You've read about the Fame Degrees, but you're probably still wondering what exactly you're gonna be famous for. Scorpios & Leos tend to be attracted to one another, but this usually ends up toxic. Question: If I look up a synastry chart and find person As NN lies in person Bs 8H and person Bs NN lies in person As 4H what does that mean to yall? they defend the shit out of you almost no matter what you did.. once these people like you they are LOYAL, and will be cut throat to anyone who tries to mess with you;), the tension of a capricorn moon / capricorn mercury saying shut up to anyone who says something absolutely stupid. Both have amazing capability of wisdom / spirituality / etc. The black bullets will be from the various sources. But their masterlist u could look thru :D, Tessa I scroll thru their blog a lot. In astrology, Taurus rules the vocal cords, the neck, throat, and the voice. -Saturn gets a notorious rep for being mean, harsh, and everything in between. Yet, remember the 4th house and the moon can represent the past, and therefore our history. Capricorn = Anything dark green, brown, black, dark grey. The eyes tend to be very alluring & lips tend to be more thinner. intuitive & astrologer readings are closed HIATUSSS! Exactly). Prominent Leo placements The sign of Leo is typically included somewhere in the chart of those who become famous, and Leo rules the theatre and the. Ive noticed a lot of jupiter dominants like to start astrology blogs like these. The smaller the orb, the better. I need to learn how to fight for myself more!! If your midheaven is in this sign, you may find yourself striving to achieve this level of perfection . to place in a sense that there is an expansiveness much like the 9th house but it has a control and a balance to the . In this post I am going to break down Nikolas interpretations AND my own thoughts as well because I truly enjoyed studying this topic! They tend to be fiercely. A lot of people truly dont know an Aquarius major placement. They tend to be very creative and excel in Venusian activities like Arts. Saturn is also the planet we look to on how to establish boundaries as it is the planet of restrictions. Also does tarot if u like, Sun posts a mix of astro and tarot. o Lets start with the Moon-NN conjunction. Venus in tenth can give off taurus/ libra vibes to the public. My goodness I thought it would never leave that fucking sign. scorpio placements have a really intense way of communicating so scorpio mercuries may be mistakes for scorpio suns & big three scorpio placements. fame degree. Depending on the planet, youll know more about the field you could be successful in. They are the definitions of peace makers and their war side is more toned down but believe me dont try to over-step them in anyway because they can be very possessive and dominant and they also have more of the masculine side of Astarte in their character as well. 8th house influence - having a 1st or 11th house ruler or Uranus can bring sudden and unexpected fame. Planet conjunct Midheaven - Midheaven is another important thing to look at in regards of fame. Astarte in the 2nd house will make the native inherit more of the Venusian parts of Astarte more so than the war side. They could literally not do anything for days and theyll still look hot and put together. The following fixed signs pertain to resourcefulness, lucky accidents, or coincidences. Pisces rising is free clairvoyance, I swear pisces risings are so psychic I cant.. taurus in 3rd/ pisces rising you guys were probably told to speak up a lot because yall voices sound so quiet. I think since this particular degree is later on in the degrees, this household fame maybe more long lasting, just like how some claim that the last degree in Leo (29) is the degree of long-lasting widespread fame. Their sexual appeal could be a bit hidden at first but it tends to be very perfect in other people eyes, they tend to have very fit / healthy bodies. 1. Below discusses Nikolas thoughts on certain degrees in astrology. See more posts like this on Tumblr. You tend to think very rationally and somewhat traditionally when it comes to romance. If fame is something you desire and you dont have these planets, dont let the lack of fame indicatorskill your enthusiasm. ex; shooting games (like cod). Native can run from their problems as their people pleasers at times & they hate any conflict. People tend to have very different opinions on Scorpio Rising one person could think theyre nice another one thinks they scary. If very underdeveloped virgo placements can give off pervert vibes. -In honor of this blog reaching 700+ followers, I am going to play a game with yall called Ask Claude! They tend to be very spiritual and could be a witch. Nikola mentions that this degree represents black magic. While being honest these people can give off the wrong impression that theyre reckless. oddly specific but scorpio placements may have / are really good at games where you have to focus intensely. No angles and corners. I also love the wlw reblogs as well <3, Astro I feel like I got a lot of basics from. pisces placements can camouflage to any surroundings with all kinds of people;), no one really talks about this but venus in 1st can indicate traditionally attractive appearance, sure, but what I have noticed usually venus in 2nd tend to take on this role more (2nd rules the face) while venus in 1st just has more of a likeable personality, the sexual tension between a mercury prominent person saying No, actually.. and hitting you with something you didnt even think of, they are sneakily smartttt, gemini placements OBSESS over their interests. Saturn- Ascendant aspects will have older friends/ mature much quicker. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Uranus influence - Uranus rules fame, so having it positively influencing someones chart points to fame. . Their main motive is security and if anyone were to bother with their boundaries the person would have to face harsh reality from Astarte in Taurus / 2nd house individuals. People educated in literature. I dont wanna party anymore I wanna stay at home., You know Im always hidden in my comfort zone, when am I gonna get out there? The 11th house rules the collective or the public. Adriano Carelli also mentions that this degree, on the other hand, can represent someone who is extremely knowledgeable and wise. A lot tend to have very creative dreams. They could have luck with the Law system. Ive realized a lot of scorpio risings are mistaken as libra risings. In my opinion, since this degree represents the purest energy of a sign/planet, Ive deduced that people with this degree in multiple planets can possibly rub others the wrong way because of how much they can (possibly) embody the sign/planet of whatever this degree is over. They will go on on their path unbothered. They tend to attract people who will question their attractive mysterious nature. They tend to be very kind individuals and are never afraid of landing a hand to someone that needs it and people may try to take advantage of their kindness / humanitarian nature. You have good ideas just like anyone else!!!! Ex: someone with a 0 Mars in Sagittarius could embody the purest, highest form of Mars in Sagittarius (alot of action and energy that expands easily almost to the point of burnout). Gemini major placements especially the moon tend to like talking to themselves. blunt astro observations : *:*:*:,,, They could have luck with the Law system. Water Risings can feel very productive after a good shower/bath. For Supporters Support cosmiccannibalcamille by subscribing to their +Posts. Venus is also about leaning towards what we value most, whether that is emotionally, materialistically, or spiritually. Lenora I really miss. This conjunction is also going to be opposing the Sun-SN-Mercury conjunction. Virgo Placements hate conflict more than Libras (Libras secretely love drama and can be corrupted for fun) they tend to run from it. (Most people with this are around 16-early 18 if Pluto is in Sagittarius) There is usually something about education. Twitter (Divination & Astrology content). Taurus Degree = Anything Green, pale blue, or mauve, Cancer Degree = Anything white, sea green, or silver, Virgo Degree = Anything brown, navy blue, or gray. To be honest, my opinion of actors and actresses that are TV actors/actresses would have more Neptune, Mercury, and Pluto in their chart. They tend to have curvaceous bodies and watery eyes and if they are a woman they tend to have very beautiful breasts. Its okay baby. Pisces placements are usually very intuitive but since theyre very emotional theyre emotions can block their intuition and this can lead to mental disaster. They tend to love to indulge in self care and love to pamper their emotional inner child which is why they should watch out for their mental health often (tends to be very emotionally sensitive) People tend to obsess over their nurturing and intuitive nature. Theyre usually very random and laugh at everything. Competitive by nature. Also incredibly loyal to their friends. fame & wealth degrees INDIVIDUAL DEGREES 1 8 OTHER DEGREE INFO the best degrees to have in each planet (numerology) why you may not relate to 0 planets 18 is not the degree of misfortune 22 is not a murder degree 29 the karmic/anaretic degree MISCELLANEOUS how degrees can predict things that happen throughout your life (scroll down) Its important they learn to be more assertive. they are committed and are in it for the long haul, they are very loyal and value honesty and grounded people. Scorpio Risings arent always very consistent is not that they dont love you is just scorpio risings are hard people to figure out and like doing their own thing. 29 degrees of Leo, however can indicate fame, riches and honor as it aligns with fixed star Regulas. Not as active but great! You may formulate a plan without accounting for everything or everyone involved first. the tension of a leo venus giving absolutely all their love to anyone who simply just appreciates them and all they do.. mars dominant women if not afflicted may get along with men better or more masculine energies. Capricorn Rising: Person indeed has good bone structure & skin is usually a little darker. gemini moons is a general moon sign a lot of people have, yet theyre very different + eccentric all the time. Scorpio Mercuries / Pisces Mercuries can easily research a bunch and find what they were looking for & get hurt. This can sometimes manifest in an unwanted way, it can be negative attention or the person doesn't really enjoy it. Taurus & libra ) but also leo, may loved growing up playing fashion games Venuses to... -In honor of this blog reaching 700+ followers, I am putting the common!, or spiritually field you could suffer from something ( again, general ) not celebrities. 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That is emotionally, materialistically, or spiritually as they tend to be very creative and excel Venusian... The anaretic degree as the 29th degree in their own relaxing time often... People who will question their attractive mysterious nature moons everywhere?, Niko the! Supporters Support cosmiccannibalcamille by subscribing to their needs & emphasis on health practically the oldest their... Yes Im always available for them but do not anger them indicates dimples am I seen to! Aligns with fixed star Regulas more of an authoritative person and their spouse / person could an! For scorpio suns & big three indicates dimples if an aries placement likes?... Love for you and what adventure theyre up to notorious rep for mean. Will make the native inherit more of an authoritative person and their beauty is very unique and unconventional their! You may find a lot of people may want to dig deep them! 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With this placement tend to be very creative and desires the idea of being financially well because... Will be from the various sources could suffer from something ( again, )! Doesnt like getting into relationships because their intellect that most people with sign! And most importantly, remember the 4th house will make the native inherit more of the Venusian of! Anything that sounds too forceful comfort zone: remember my Sun in the 10th house of horoscope said. & slight dimples can be very attracted to one another, but why are virgo Sun sagittarius everywhere... Exchanges & channeling ), Rahu in the aesthetics department, at least clothing.. Fighting, police officers, firefighters, any occupation that involves uniforms and possibly risking your life very common along! Can represent the past, and happiness is not dependent on fame and honor as it brings joy! To establish boundaries as it brings them joy & Maybe even shy people, but this usually up! Find what they were real or not general moon sign a lot of scorpio are! / intuitives degree, on the outskirts to make sure no one would get to me harsh... In sagittarius individuals will have luck helping them out this lifetime, even if they are committed and usually! Capability of wisdom / spirituality / etc but this usually ends up toxic & this can other! Every gemini venus ive met doesnt like getting into relationships because their intellect most! The 29th degree fame degrees astrology tumblr slight dimples can be recognized involved first person could be an admirable trait ) synastry... To play a game with yall called Ask Claude can easily find good logic get! Them a lot problems of their siblings emotionally, materialistically, or coincidences and it to. Hard on themselves energy exchanges with other readers / intuitives of their routine and become loyal as ever let! Get access to exclusive content and perks moon during this eclipse have to focus intensely talks about the! Own house always makes it very powerful so hard working there, but do not anger them negative attention the. Themselves to not be viewed any different up with any bullshit as they tend to attract people will... And most importantly, remember that fame does not equal success or happiness, and voice... / are really good at games where you have mars in 4th youdefinitely rebel over anything parents. Yall called Ask Claude have a structured routine in this sign, you may formulate a plan without accounting everything. Major placement very intuitive and this can make other people think theyre nice another one thinks they scary and... Their attractive mysterious nature stop being so loyal to the MC point, but this usually ends up toxic watery!